Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Whywhywhywhywhywhywhy, no really, why did I decide on 'Do It Yourself' invitations? Since when am I creative? Why am I buying a perforator (what the hell is a perforator, spell check has no idea)? Why am I learning about different types of card stock? Who knew little envelopes cost like 4 times the amount of big envelopes? I'm not even sure I'm saving money on this whole extravaganza! And the best part? Most of our guests have already booked their flights! There's very little mystery over who is coming and who is not coming. We have maybe 4 undecideds, in total! And yet we're still sending out incredibly complicated, yet pretty freaking cool, invitations this weekend. Because apparently, that's what's done. But if you run into a harrowed, confused redhead at your local paper store measuring yards of blue twine, that's me, just don't ask.


  1. Because you know everything always works out for you and figure you will stumble upon a magical invitation assembling fairy?

  2. K, I could be your invitations fairy. Srsly.

    For once, nds is right.

  3. Etat, you are, as always, awesome. But there's really not much you can help with at this point, it's mostly just the actual construction of the invitation (don't ask) and reply card (really, don't). There was only one small design aspect at all, and I had a friend help me with it a month ago. I'll post photos of both on here after they're sent.

  4. I can have those invites made in no jiffy. just say when.

  5. Gee, K, these here hands done tons of board and model presentations; gluing, drawing, assembling and folding is a pleasure, not a chore.

    I am rich in time and you aren't.

    But I understand if you might have some deep-seated need to do everything by yourself, even if it means to cut on sleep and gain on coffee. It's a perfectionist gene...(spoken by affected).

  6. No, definitely no deep-seated need, hahaha, just past the point where I need help. But thank youuuuuu.
